Makes 1 loaf tin, 8 squares

A little bit of a spiced cake never hurt nobody! In my opinion, sometimes too much dried fruit overpowers the flavour (not to mention the high amount of sugar!) , so I have dialled it back in my version. You will want to eat this cake at every occasion (best part is you don’t feel sluggish after eating it!)


2 small eggs

1 ripe banana mashed

2 Tbsp smooth nut butter/tahini

1 Tbsp melted oil/butter

1/2 C dried fruit mix (I love a version with not too much added sugar or additives)

2/3 C almond flour

1/3 C coconut flour

1/2 + 2 Tbsp C water/ non dairy milk (could use Orange Juice for a more intense flavour )

1/4 C granulated sugar of choice

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 tsp mixed spice

1 tsp ground cinnamon

Mix eggs, banana, nut butter and oil together till a smooth consistency. Add in the rest of the ingredients and combine well (so you only need to dirty one bowl!). Should end up as a thick mixture, ideally a thick muffin like batter. (Add another Tbsp of milk if need). Scoop into a lined loaf tin, spread out the batter and bake for 20 -25 minutes at 180 C, until the top is golden and a knife comes out clean. Let cool before adding any icing (I personally love a drizzle of coconut butter), slice and keep airtight! These keep well in the freezer, just warm in the microwave before serving.


high protein banana cake


chocolate chickpea flour cookies