nut butter sandwich cookies


Makes 10 cookies, 5 sandwiches

While I love adding some nut butter for texture to my cookies usually, the nut butter is the star of the show in these - not to mention the oozing nut butter inside! You can customise these cookies on what your taste preference is, I opted for a hemp butter which has hazelnuts inside! You can totally skip the sandwich element of it and just make the cookies - they are totally delicious by themselves!


1/3 C smooth nut butter (I did PB)

1/4 C maple syrup 

3/4 C almond flour 

1 Tbsp tapioca flour 

1/2 tsp baking powder 

1/2 tsp vanilla extract 

Pinch of salt (if nut butter isn’t salted) 

Mix everything together till smooth in a medium bowl. Scoop the mixture using a tbsp or medium cookie scoop, roll into 10 small balls. Flatten with a fork, bake 8-10 min at 180 C on a lined tray or until golden. Let cool before removing from the tray so the cookies can crisp up. Sandwich with a tsp of nut butter of your choice and you have yourself the most scrumptious cookie ever. Store airtight in a container or store in the freezer.


vegan double choc cookies