Makes 1 loaf tin (around 8 bars)

I make this recipe whenever I have a gathering or event, the texture is chewy yet cakey and the edges get lovely and caramelised! Feel free to double the recipe, I have done this many times!


1 egg 
3 Tbsp coconut sugar 
2 Tbsp coconut oil melted and cooled (could sub butter)
1 Tbsp smooth nut butter (cashew or tahini is best for flavour) 
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
1 1/4 C almond flour 
1/4 tsp baking soda
Pinch of salt 
Your desired amount of confetti sprinkles and chopped dairy-free white choc 😆

Mix wet together till a smooth past , add dry ingredients as well as the sprinkles and white chocolate of choice. Bake in a lined loaf tin for 15-20 min at 170 C. Let cool before removing, top with frosting of choice or eat as is!!! Store airtight in the fridge or freezer.


marble banana cake with a chocolate cashew frosting


mini choc chip muffins